Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 102

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 102

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 102

Stylistic analysis of Badri Tondari's poems

Hanieh Rohaninejad , Ali Sabbaghi (Author in Charge), Tahereh Mirhashmi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Badri Tondari (1996-1911) is one of the contemporary women orators. His collection of poems is about two thousand verses. She has written poems on topics such as homeland, pride in national history, freedom, peace and topics related to women. In this research, Badri Tondari"s poetic style has been described and analyzed in linguistic, rhetorical and intellectual domains.

METHODOLOGY: In this article, the data collection method is complete induction and the research method is descriptive-analytical. First, the information obtained from Badri Tondari"s poems will be described, and then stylistic analysis will be presented in three linguistic, rhetorical, and intellectual domains. The data collection method will be complete induction, so all the poems have been examined.

FINDINGS: Badri Tondari has used all kinds of repetitions (consonant and vowel) and additions in the phonetic layer to make his poems melodious. In his lexical layer, she has benefited from sensory and objective words, religious, national, patriotic and political words, words of war and peace, feminine words, etc.. Shifting sentence elements is one of the tricks of the syntactic layer of Tondari poems. Tondari does not have any particular innovation and prominence in using rhetorical techniques. But on the occasion of speech, she has used rhetorical techniques such as simile, irony, metaphor and allusion. Badri"s ideological style revolves around homeland, pride in national history, freedom, peace and women issues. Badri talks about the equality of men and women and emphasizes that these two sexes are correlative. It is not an intellectual feature, it is related to the rhetorical axis like an allusion, that is, the poet"s look at Iran"s honorable past and reminding them for today"s audience of being religious is not inferred from historical and mythological names, but rather shows nationalism and love for Iran.

CONCLUSION: What is more prominent in Badri Tondari"s poetry and is outstanding in terms of stylistics is the intellectual axis of his poetry, which revolves around the axis of homeland, pride in the national history, freedom, peace, and issues surrounding women. Badri Tondari"s poetry does not have a stylistic identity in the linguistic and rhetorical axis. And she has observed the norms and rules of traditional and classical Persian poetry. In general, the prominence of Tondari"s style is in the intellectual layer, and in terms of language and rhetoric, she has used linguistic and literary possibilities to usual extent.

stylistics , layered stylistics (linguistic , rhetorical , intellectual) , Badri Tondari

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